This website,, also known as, launched in August 2010 and went through a significant revision in 2014. It is offered as a service by Marriage Transformation®, a company owned by Susanne M. Alexander, a member of the Bahá’í Faith. It is not an official website of the Bahá’í community (
This website is to assist Bahá’ís and those in relationships or marriages with Bahá’ís to turn to Bahá’í administrative bodies for guidance and help and to apply Bahá’í teachings on relationships and marriage in their lives.
This website also has Marriage Transformation® educational content which may be helpful. The company's primary website is Every effort has been made to differentiate between the Bahá’í Writings and the content from Marriage Transformation. We welcome any questions and feedback that you may have.

About Marriage Transformation

Marriage Transformation is an educational service company whose mission is to dynamically empower individuals and couples to engage in skillful, character-based communications and actions that contribute to creating happy, unified, and lasting marriages.
Marriage Transformation is committed to empowering individuals and couples to see the value of marriage as a place of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Marriage preparation includes thoroughly knowing each other’s character and establishing a strong friendship. Equipped with knowledge and skills, couples are deeply engaged in creating high-quality marriages that are a stable foundation for families. The strength of these families contributes to society and towards the unification of one human family. Couples feel a deep respect for one another and each is responsible for their own words, actions, and personal growth. They build equality and unity through effective communication and use consultation for increasing understanding and making excellent decisions. They establish a culture of love and encouragement in their home while maintaining their couple connection through lighthearted and intimate interactions.
The founders in 2004 were spouses Susanne M. Alexander and Craig A. Farnsworth. Craig's soul flew to the Kingdom of God after his journey with brain cancer ended on July 1, 2009. Susanne is carrying on the work of the company. It began in the Cleveland, Ohio, USA, area and moved to the Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA, area in May 2012.
The story of Craig's life, transformation, and marriages told through poetry, journal entries, photography, and paintings: The Journey before cancer; The Journey after the cancer diagnosis
One of our consistent champions and financial supporters was Susanne's mother, Kay (Kathleen Hall Muttart), 1926-2016. Here is her funeral program and honoring.
Service - How You Can Help
Involvement in Social Action - The Betterment of Marriage
Guidance: " seems appropriate that the friends everywhere would reflect on the nature of the contributions which their growing, vibrant communities will make to the material and spiritual progress of society. In this respect, it will prove fruitful to think in terms of two interconnected, mutually reinforcing areas of activity: involvement in social action and participation in the prevalent discourses of society." (Universal House of Justice, Ridván 2010)
Contact Information

Susanne M. Alexander, President
Relationship & Marriage Educator and Coach; Certified Character Specialist
Marriage Transformation LLC
Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
Phone: + 1 423-599-0153 (Eastern United States time zone)
Affiliated Websites:;
About Susanne: Susanne M. Alexander is a Relationship and Marriage Educator and Coach with her company Marriage Transformation®, Susanne has authored over 20 books and discussion guides. She meets with clients globally for marriage preparation and marriage strengthening through the Internet and presents dynamic workshops. She has been single, dating, engaged, married, divorced, and widowed. She is a child, stepchild, parent, stepparent, and grandparent. All of this has given Susanne a diversity of experience to share! She is currently married to a wonderful man in Harrison, Tennessee near Chattanooga.
Susanne also serves as the owner of Transformation Learning Center for online relationship, marriage, parenting, and family courses that are practical and Baha'i-Faith-based. People of all faiths are welcome. There is an excellent faculty team and coaching available. Please come join us today! Information is available at this link:
Social Media